creating a more secured internet experience

Protect your data with a vpn

By Danny saborio, 02/18/23

vpn software

what is vpn? - to keep it simple. it is software that creates almost like a safe tunnel for your data to travel through. it protects your internet connection and creates a safe way for you to use public wifi. it protects your identity and your data. if a hacker attempts to peep into this tunnel all they will see is unreadable data. its like you trying to listen to a conversation between 2 people that speak completely different languages except that there isn’t a single translation available anywhere.

We use surf shark as our vpn software. It’s very easy to use. it has antivirus and it also has “true incognito mode” which truly hides you as you browse through websites. this is helpful because since it hides your identity you are able to get good online deals in flights and other things. of course, there is nord vpn and other companies so definitely do some research. they all do the same except some have more or less features.

A cool plus to this software is that if you place your location to a different country it actually allows you to access different content and online games. for example you can use some vpn’s to change your location to have access to other content not available in the u.s on Netflix. you can also use it to play games on nintendo switch that aren’t available in the u.s. super interesting.

here is the referral link if you want to look into it. it gives you 30 days for free:
surf shark link
If you need us to help you install your vpn software. you can book an appointment with us here :
mars repairs book your vpn appointment

share this information with someone because it can definitely go a long way! stay safe and if you ever have questions feel free to reach out to us at anytime on social media or emails!
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